United States

Disability Opportunity Fund

We're supporting economically disadvantaged individuals with disabilities by facilitating their access to financial institutions equipped with the resources and money to enhance their financial well-being.

Helping those in need.

The Disability Opportunity Fund (DOF) is a national Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) that focuses on providing financial support, technical assistance, and advocating for policy changes to improve access to appropriate and affordable housing and related services for people with disabilities in the United States. In essence, they work to create opportunities and remove barriers for individuals with disabilities to lead more independent and fulfilling lives by addressing their housing and service needs.

DOF is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life and building personal wealth for individuals with disabilities and their families, as well as supporting organizations serving this market. They achieve this mission by offering financial products, technical assistance, equity investments, and financial advisory services.

This cause is a partnership with Cnote to invest in a portfolio of causes, including The Disability Opportunity Fund. Your support empowers DOF to provide direct assistance to individuals in need within the United States.

Impact score

A dollar can do good in a million different ways. Here's what your dollar invested into The Disability Opportunity Fund does.



Reduced Inequality


Economic Opportunity
