United States

Kaua'i Credit Union

Support the people of Kaua'i directly by providing them with the basic financial needs.

Help Protect the Future Generations of Kaua'i.

Kaua'i Credit Union supports the workers of Kaua'i. They not only to provide county, state, and federal government employees and their families with basic financial needs but also to invest in and grow the quality of life on the island.

Kaua'i Credit Union continues to help the people of Kaua‘i by keeping their money on the island for a stronger financial future for their people. They offer our members the financial services and products that are right for them at preferable rates and at little or no cost, ensuring the wellness and wealth of future generations.

This cause is a partnership with Cnote to invest in a portfolio of causes, including Kaua'i Credit Union. Your support empowers Kaua'i Credit Union to provide direct assistance to the people in Kaua'i, Hawaii United States.

Impact score

A dollar can do good in a million different ways. Here's what your dollar invested into Kaua'i Credit Union does.

Economic Opportunity




Economic Growth
