Next Gen Drinkware

Collapsible, double-walled, leakproof good for both hot & cold beverage - the only reusable cup you'll ever need.

It’s no secret that disposable cups are an environments disaster. We are drowning in disposable waste, with about 500 billion cups used annually. Sadly, only about 1% are being recycled, with the rest ending up in landfills and 
our ocean.

live zero-waste

The Zylch Pledge

We strongly believe that, in order to live a more sustainable lifestyle, we need solutions that are sustainable to our fast-paced lifeystyle, and being eco-friendly shouldn't have to be a compromise or a burden. And hence, with ZYLCH we set out to make zero-waste living simple, easy, and practical.

With every reusable cup that you will bring to a cafe daily, you divert ~350 single-use cups form our oceans each year!

Reusable and recyclable.

Causes we love

We're a brand that creates good for the planet (and you) products, on a zero-waste mission. These are the causes we're excited to be investors in.